Step into a realm of magic, mirth and mouthwatering turkey legs! The Texas Renaissance Festival transports visitors back in time from their first step onto its grounds, but one thing remains timeless: the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola beverages found at every eatery, pub and vendor booth. CCSWB's Bryan facility plays a royal role in keeping the festivities flowing, supplying drinks to more than half a million visitors each October. And the magic doesn't stop there! Downtown Bryan's First Fridays celebration is a modern-day feast for the senses, with live music, art and delicious cuisine. Thanks to CCSWB Bryan, local legend, Margie's Bar and Grill, has been serving up classic American burgers and ice-cold Coke for over a century.

In April 2022, the Recognition Roadtrip culminated in Dallas/Ft Worth as part of our 5-year anniversary event.