CCSWB heroes welcome the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to Wichita Falls on March 28, 2022. The Wichita Falls TX sign recently debuted in December 2021 as part of the city’s ‘Park Central Activation Project,’ designed to bring new life to the city’s downtown space.

Wichita Falls heroes, Bryce Smith, Warehouse Lead, and Eddie Smith, Bulk Driver, welcome the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to their distribution center on March 28, 2022.

The Wichita Falls Cooler Service heroes pose with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle at their distribution center on March 28, 2022. This distribution center has provided Coca-Cola brands to the Wichita Falls community for over a century!

Wichita Falls heroes Patrick Harlow, Distribution Supervisor, and Eddie Smith, Bulk Driver, with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle on March 28, 2022.

Fleet team members, Ronnie Veigl and Garret Hadsell, with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle on March 28, 2022.

Taking the driver’s seat? The local Wichita Falls drivers pose with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle and a Coca-Cola truck at their facility on March 28, 2022

Wichita Falls hero, Cory Hickey, Driver, takes a pic with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle by a Coca-Cola truck on March 28, 2022 before hitting the road on his route.

Giddy up! Wichita Falls hero, Adam McCown, Warehouse Supervisor, introduces the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to the Coca-Cola horse outside the Wichita Falls distribution facility on March 28, 2022. The painted horse is part of a city-wide public arts project called the Mane Event. Over 70 fiberglass horses painted by local artists all across the city have been sponsored by local businesses and organizations.

Wichita Falls hero, Lance Bishop, Route Sales Manager, with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle by the Coca-Cola painted horse outside the CCSWB facility on March 28, 2022. The facility’s horse is affectionately named, “The Real Thing,” and was decorated by artist Chris Ross in 2007.

“Whoa there!” Wichita Falls hero Janson Swartz, Order Replenishment Manager, works with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to tame the “Choose Your Side” painted horse on March 28, 2022. The horse, which depicts superheroes and villains, was painted by artist Amy Walker in 2017 and is owned today by the Downtown Lion’s Club.

Wichita Falls heroes and the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle share their team “spirit” outside the United Market Street on March 28, 2022. The horse in front of the grocery store, called Spirit, was painted by artist Pam Moller in 2007.

Wichita Falls heroes and the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle with the Spirit painted horse outside the United Market Street on March 28, 2022.

Wichita Falls heroes take the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to see the World’s Smallest Skyscraper located in downtown Wichita Falls. The building, completed in 1919, is forty feet high, ten feet wide and sixteen feet tall – but why so small? As the story goes, the man who built the little skyscraper, JD McMahon, originally promised a unique skyscraper that would be the jewel of Wichita Falls – 40 stories tall, 100 feet long and 160 feet wide. But instead of being built to the square foot…the skyscraper was built to the square inch.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle in front of the World’s Smallest Skyscraper on March 28, 2022. After locals realized the measurement mishap that occurred during the building’s construction, builder JD McMahon left the area with no indication of how much money he pocketed or how many investors he had swindled. He was never seen in the area again.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle heats things up outside the Hotter ‘n Hell clubhouse building in downtown Wichita Falls. The Hotter ‘n Hell Hundred is the city’s annual 100-mile bike ride in 100-degree heat across the surrounding Texoma region. It originally began in 1982, during the city’s centennial celebration, hosting more than 1,200 cyclists!

Wichita Falls hero, Jerry Cantwell, Sales Execution Manager, and the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle stop by the Hotter ‘n Hell Hundred mural in downtown Wichita Falls on March 28, 2022. The mural, one of 11 murals across Wichita Falls painted by artist Ralph Stearns, represents bicyclists riding in the city’s annual 100-mile bike ride.

“In a small Texas town on a Friday night…” Wichita Falls heroes take the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to the Wichita Falls ISD Memorial Stadium on March 28, 2022. Completed in 1970, the stadium has served as the home to the school district’s high school teams for more than half a century, as well as the Midwestern State football team for more than 30 years.

Wichita Falls heroes with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle at Memorial Stadium on March 28, 2022. The stadium, which can seat more than 14,500 people, has served as the host to nearly a dozen bowl games, including Pioneer Bowls and the annual Oil Bowl Classic all-star game.

Wichita Falls heroes, Cory Hickey, Driver, and Patrick Harlow, Distribution Supervisor, take the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle along to visit one of their clients: Carey’s Corner.. The local convenience store is one of hundreds of CCSWB clients the Wichita Falls team services throughout the Texoma region!

Wichita Falls hero Jerry Cantwell, Sales Execution Manager, with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle at the Multi-Purpose Event Center (MPEC) on March 28, 2022. The event center – which CCSWB sponsors – hosts dozens of events each year, ranging from concerts for local artists such as the Josh Abbott Band, to the city’s annual Pancake Festival.