Sean Diss, Sales Manager, takes the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle around the town of Odessa on Nov. 4, 2021.

Odessa heroes were eager to take the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle into Momentum Bank Ballpark, the home of the Midland RockHounds on Nov. 4, 2021.

Odessa heroes in the dugout of the Midland RockHounds. The RockHounds are the AA affiliate of the Oakland Athletics and were founded in 1972.

The Odessa team explores the field of Momentum Bank Ballpark with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle. Momentum Bank Ballpark was built in 2002 and holds 6,669 fans.

Shane Hutchison, Account Manager on Premise, was in charge of taking the bottle out of Momentum Bank Ballpark and onto see the rest of Odessa.

Jesse Quezada, Area Sales and Merchandising Manager, outside the legendary Barn Door Steakhouse. The Barn Door was opened 1963, and the building was originally a railway stop that dates all the way back to 1893.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle in front of an oil well used in the early 1900s. Odessa is located in the Permian Basin, an 86,000 square-mile area which produced 14.9 billion barrels of oil.

Odessa, Texas is home to the 41st and 43rd Presidents, George H.W. Bush and his son George W. Bush. The Bush family lived in Odessa in 1948 when George W. was two years old.