CCSWB heroes welcome the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to Corpus Christi, Texas at the Greetings mural downtown on March 14, 2022. The mural, designed in 2018 by local artist Jeremy Flores, was a gift to the city by IT services company, Richline Technical Services. The mural was inspired by a Richline executive’s trip to Valparaiso, Chile, a beautiful coastline city covered with murals.

Corpus Christi heroes welcome the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle to their facility on March 14, 2022. The facility has been in Corpus Christi for nearly 115 years, and today employs over 150 associates.

Corpus Christi heroes stopped by the Running Bison statue in front of the Harbor Bridge on March 14, 2022. The bronze sculpture was designed by local artist Kent Ulberg, who is known to only sculpt animals he’s seen and observed first-hand to preserve authenticity.

Balancing act…Corpus Christi heroes and the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle take a ride with Blue Duck scooters on March 14, 2022. The scooters offer visitors and locals a chance to zip around downtown Corpus and see the sights, and during COVID, served as an individual, social-distance-friendly form of transportation.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle goes for a spin along the water’s edge with Blue Duck scooters on March 14, 2022.

Gone fishin’! The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle takes an impromptu fishing trip at the beach on March 14, 2022.

CCSWB heroes join the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle’s fishing trip at Cole Park Pier on March 14, 2022. Originally built in the 1930s, Cole Park Pier was rebuilt twice before being ravaged by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. The pier closed once again for rebuilding and renovation, and it was recently re-opened in December 2021 with a new observation deck, welcome plaza and wider walkway.

Corpus Christi hero, Jorge Torres, Sales Execution Manger, with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle at Cole Park Pier on March 14, 2022.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle soaks up the sun on the beach on March 14, 2022. The consistent high winds on and around Corpus Christi beaches provide the perfect weather conditions for popular water sports, like windsurfing, kayaking and parasailing.

Corpus Christi heroes stop for a bite to eat with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle on March 14, 2022 at the “Whataburger by the Bay,” the only two-story Whataburger in Texas. The 6,000-square-foot restaurant offers visitors a fantastic view on its open deck overlooking the ocean.

Corpus Christi heroes stop for a bite to eat with the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle at the “Whataburger by the Bay” on March 14, 2022.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle has a quick conversation with Whataburger founder, Harmon Dobson. The iconic Texas fast-food chain was founded in Corpus Christi in 1950, with burgers that originally cost $0.35!

Corpus Christi heroes and the Recognition Roadtrip Bottle stopped by the Mirador de la Flor memorial on March 14, 2022. Sculpted by local artist H.W. “Buddy” Tatum in 1997, the memorial pays homage to acclaimed Corpus Christi Tejano singer, Selena, whose beautiful music touched many people around the world.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle with the life-sized bronze statue of Corpus Christi-born Tejano singer Selena at the Mirador de la Flor memorial on March 14, 2022. Selena Quintanilla-Perez is known as the Queen of Tejano music, and her music created a legacy that has lived on long after her tragic death in 1995.

The Recognition Roadtrip Bottle with the life-sized bronze statue of Corpus Christi Tejano singer Selena at the Mirador de la Flor memorial on March 14, 2022. The memorial sits near the waterside, which can be reached with a short walk down a sidewalk made from handmade tiles by South Texas schoolchildren and senior citizens.